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Generation Nanny BOOK LAUNCH!


launching, Saturday July 18th ! 

Help me get to "bestseller" status on Amazon & purchase your copy of Generation Nanny on Saturday 7/18!

Why does the 18th matter?
I self-published my book using Amazon's platform called KDP (kindle-direct-pubishing). I chose the categories my book would be under and now, based on sales, I can climb myself to the top of my category. Good news is: over the past weekend, I learned that Generation Nanny is already #1 new release in Demography Studies (!!!) but my book is also listed under "Women's studies" - a much bigger and way more competitive category - so every purchase counts this week and especially on Saturday! Help me get in the top 100 on Women's Studies, I am currently ranked #450 as of today - I'm not too far off! 

What's the plan for the book launch?

SATURDAY 7-18 20201.

1. FB Live @ 10:30am CT
2. @11:30am CT , I am hosting a virtual book-brunch (invite only)
3. IG Live @ 12:00pm CT
**Updates to follow all afternoon on my social accounts